Switching between space and time: Spatio-temporal analysis with

H. Sherry Zhang

Monash University



  • A 3rd year PhD student in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, Australia

  • My research centers on exploring multivariate spatio-temporal data with data wrangling and visualisation tool.

  • Find me on


Spatio-temporal data

People can talk about a whole range of differnt things when they only refer to their data as spatio-temporal!

The focus of today will be on vector data

Examples of vector data

Physical sensors that measure the temperature, rainfall, wind speed & direction, water level, etc

Represent spatial data in R?

  • A pair of longitude/ latitude (stations_dt)
# A tibble: 30 × 6
  id           long   lat  elev name                       wmo_id
  <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>                       <dbl>
1 ASN00060139  153. -31.4   4.2 port macquarie airport aws  94786
2 ASN00068228  151. -34.4  10   bellambi aws                94749
# … with 28 more rows
  • Simple features with sf (stations_sf)
Simple feature collection with 30 features and 4 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 114.0967 ymin: -41.8739 xmax: 152.8655 ymax: -11.6502
Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
# A tibble: 30 × 5
  id           elev name                       wmo_id            geometry
  <chr>       <dbl> <chr>                       <dbl>         <POINT [°]>
1 ASN00060139   4.2 port macquarie airport aws  94786 (152.8655 -31.4336)
2 ASN00068228  10   bellambi aws                94749 (150.9291 -34.3691)
# … with 28 more rows

Geometrical operations with sf

Ploting an sf object

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = oz_simp) + 
  geom_sf(data = stations_sf)

dt_lbl <- stations_sf %>% arrange(id) %>% sample_n(5)
ggplot() +
    data = oz_simp, 
    fill = "grey90", color = "white") +
    data = dt_lbl, 
    aes(label = name)) + 

Look into an sf object - POINTS

dt # simple feature (sf)
Simple feature collection with 2 features and 6 fields
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 150.9291 ymin: -34.3691 xmax: 152.8655 ymax: -31.4336
Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
# A tibble: 2 × 7
  id            lat  long  elev name            wmo_id            geometry
  <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>            <dbl>         <POINT [°]>
1 ASN00060139 -31.4  153.   4.2 port macquarie…  94786 (152.8655 -31.4336)
2 ASN00068228 -34.4  151.  10   bellambi aws     94749 (150.9291 -34.3691)
(pnt_sfc <- dt$geometry) # simple feature column (sfc)
Geometry set for 2 features 
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 150.9291 ymin: -34.3691 xmax: 152.8655 ymax: -31.4336
Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
POINT (152.8655 -31.4336)
POINT (150.9291 -34.3691)
(pnt_sfg <- pnt_sfc[[1]]) # simple feature geometry (sfg) - POINT
POINT (152.8655 -31.4336)

Look into an sf object - POINTS (2)

The point sfg is a paired vector with special class labels

pnt_sfg # simple feature geometry (sfg) - POINTS
POINT (152.8655 -31.4336)
[1] "double"
[1] "XY"    "POINT" "sfg"  
[1] 152.8655 -31.4336

The POINT (152.8655 -31.4336) format is called well-known text, which is a human-readable encoding used by sf

Look into an sf object - POINTS (3)

The sfc is a list of sfg with special attributes

pnt_sfc # simple feature column (sfc)
Geometry set for 1 feature 
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 152.8655 ymin: -31.4336 xmax: 152.8655 ymax: -31.4336
Geodetic CRS:  GDA94
POINT (152.8655 -31.4336)
POINT (150.9291 -34.3691)
[1] "list"
[1] "class"     "precision" "bbox"      "crs"       "n_empty"  
POINT (152.8655 -31.4336)

POINT (150.9291 -34.3691)

Other geoms (1/3) - LINESTRING

The linestring sfg is a matrix of paired doubles

(ls_sfg <- ls_sfc[[1]])
LINESTRING (149.2317 -35.222, 149.2716 -35.2708, 149.3153 -35.27623, 149.3972 -35.32425, 149.3363 -35.33988, 149.2493 -35.33013, 149.2045 -35.34761, 149.1464 -35.4153, 149.1352, ...)
[1] "double"
          [,1]      [,2]
 [1,] 149.2317 -35.22200
 [2,] 149.2716 -35.27080
 [3,] 149.3153 -35.27623
 [4,] 149.3972 -35.32425
 [5,] 149.3363 -35.33988
 [6,] 149.2493 -35.33013
 [7,] 149.2045 -35.34761
 [8,] 149.1464 -35.41530
 [9,] 149.1352 -35.45369
[10,] 149.1516 -35.49320
[11,] 149.1325 -35.54950
[12,] 149.1405 -35.58829
[13,] 149.0781 -35.58642
[14,] 149.0950 -35.67682
[15,] 149.1094 -35.69659
[16,] 149.0907 -35.76562
[17,] 149.1011 -35.80506
[18,] 149.0488 -35.92041
[19,] 149.0122 -35.89970
[20,] 148.9584 -35.89179
[21,] 148.9127 -35.85546
[22,] 148.8894 -35.72272
[23,] 148.8347 -35.74051
[24,] 148.7884 -35.69781
[25,] 148.7985 -35.66698
[26,] 148.7689 -35.60426
[27,] 148.7628 -35.49550
[28,] 148.7858 -35.40891
[29,] 148.8087 -35.38246
[30,] 148.7935 -35.33912
[31,] 148.8101 -35.30745
[32,] 149.1209 -35.12442
[33,] 149.1891 -35.16552
[34,] 149.1903 -35.19435
[35,] 149.2317 -35.22200

Other geoms (2/3) - POLYGONS

POLYGON sfg is a list where each element is a matrix of paired vectors

(pol_sfg <- pol_sfc[[1]])
POLYGON ((149.2317 -35.222, 149.2716 -35.2708, 149.3153 -35.27623, 149.3972 -35.32425, 149.3363 -35.33988, 149.2493 -35.33013, ...))
[1] "list"
          [,1]      [,2]
 [1,] 149.2317 -35.22200
 [2,] 149.2716 -35.27080
 [3,] 149.3153 -35.27623
 [4,] 149.3972 -35.32425
 [5,] 149.3363 -35.33988
 [6,] 149.2493 -35.33013
 [7,] 149.2045 -35.34761
 [8,] 149.1464 -35.41530
 [9,] 149.1352 -35.45369
[10,] 149.1516 -35.49320
[11,] 149.1325 -35.54950
[12,] 149.1405 -35.58829
[13,] 149.0781 -35.58642
[14,] 149.0950 -35.67682
[15,] 149.1094 -35.69659
[16,] 149.0907 -35.76562
[17,] 149.1011 -35.80506
[18,] 149.0488 -35.92041
[19,] 149.0122 -35.89970
[20,] 148.9584 -35.89179
[21,] 148.9127 -35.85546
[22,] 148.8894 -35.72272
[23,] 148.8347 -35.74051
[24,] 148.7884 -35.69781
[25,] 148.7985 -35.66698
[26,] 148.7689 -35.60426
[27,] 148.7628 -35.49550
[28,] 148.7858 -35.40891
[29,] 148.8087 -35.38246
[30,] 148.7935 -35.33912
[31,] 148.8101 -35.30745
[32,] 149.1209 -35.12442
[33,] 149.1891 -35.16552
[34,] 149.1903 -35.19435
[35,] 149.2317 -35.22200


MULTIPOLYGON sfg is a nested list where each list element can contain multiple matrices of paired vectors

(mpol_sfg <- mpol_sfc[[1]])
MULTIPOLYGON (((145.2859 -38.3962, 145.2903 -38.28367, 145.4109 -38.37078, 145.2859 -38.3962)), ((140.9657 -38.05599, 140.9739 -37.46209, 140.9693 -36.79305, 140.9631 -35.74853, 140.9656 -35.00826, 140.9617 -34.09582, ...)))
[1] "list"
[1] 2
         [,1]      [,2]
[1,] 145.2859 -38.39620
[2,] 145.2903 -38.28367
[3,] 145.4109 -38.37078
[4,] 145.2859 -38.39620

           [,1]      [,2]
  [1,] 140.9657 -38.05599
  [2,] 140.9739 -37.46209
  [3,] 140.9693 -36.79305
  [4,] 140.9631 -35.74853
  [5,] 140.9656 -35.00826
  [6,] 140.9617 -34.09582
  [7,] 141.0089 -34.04466
  [8,] 141.2610 -34.07898
  [9,] 141.3576 -34.11069
 [10,] 141.5176 -34.20645
 [11,] 141.7049 -34.09569
 [12,] 141.8424 -34.13253
 [13,] 141.8991 -34.11149
 [14,] 142.0745 -34.13049
 [15,] 142.0821 -34.17299
 [16,] 142.2203 -34.18167
 [17,] 142.2385 -34.30782
 [18,] 142.3337 -34.33930
 [19,] 142.3684 -34.52709
 [20,] 142.4347 -34.57615
 [21,] 142.5262 -34.75981
 [22,] 142.6968 -34.72016
 [23,] 142.6995 -34.60315
 [24,] 142.7635 -34.59674
 [25,] 143.0400 -34.70251
 [26,] 143.1041 -34.69400
 [27,] 143.3515 -34.79600
 [28,] 143.3196 -34.96870
 [29,] 143.3470 -35.10478
 [30,] 143.3964 -35.19311
 [31,] 143.5639 -35.20263
 [32,] 143.5637 -35.31612
 [33,] 143.6423 -35.40104
 [34,] 143.7465 -35.38860
 [35,] 143.8666 -35.48032
 [36,] 144.0479 -35.55617
 [37,] 144.1175 -35.62593
 [38,] 144.3757 -35.80121
 [39,] 144.4082 -35.90422
 [40,] 144.5833 -36.03903
 [41,] 144.8058 -36.12384
 [42,] 144.9236 -35.98895
 [43,] 144.9750 -35.88343
 [44,] 145.0729 -35.82776
 [45,] 145.2465 -35.83041
 [46,] 145.3524 -35.86580
 [47,] 145.5340 -35.80529
 [48,] 145.6847 -35.93075
 [49,] 145.7934 -35.98282
 [50,] 145.9080 -35.95356
 [51,] 145.9891 -36.01308
 [52,] 146.2618 -36.01580
 [53,] 146.3877 -36.03527
 [54,] 146.4143 -35.97545
 [55,] 146.5179 -35.96006
 [56,] 146.6870 -36.04082
 [57,] 146.8363 -36.08219
 [58,] 147.0162 -36.08950
 [59,] 147.1372 -36.02862
 [60,] 147.2043 -36.04989
 [61,] 147.3522 -36.03229
 [62,] 147.4043 -35.94356
 [63,] 147.4986 -35.94664
 [64,] 147.5552 -36.00321
 [65,] 147.7084 -35.92854
 [66,] 147.9140 -35.99795
 [67,] 147.9976 -36.04777
 [68,] 148.0289 -36.14008
 [69,] 148.0383 -36.36556
 [70,] 148.1247 -36.46484
 [71,] 148.1244 -36.55098
 [72,] 148.2174 -36.59885
 [73,] 148.1851 -36.69222
 [74,] 148.1949 -36.79625
 [75,] 149.1998 -37.20119
 [76,] 149.9763 -37.50503
 [77,] 149.7393 -37.58451
 [78,] 149.6747 -37.68584
 [79,] 149.4948 -37.76847
 [80,] 149.2516 -37.78179
 [81,] 148.8087 -37.78642
 [82,] 148.6260 -37.80814
 [83,] 148.3662 -37.80395
 [84,] 148.1792 -37.83164
 [85,] 147.7884 -37.95525
 [86,] 147.4672 -38.15915
 [87,] 147.0672 -38.47512
 [88,] 146.9320 -38.59602
 [89,] 146.7857 -38.64632
 [90,] 146.4438 -38.69492
 [91,] 146.2675 -38.68791
 [92,] 146.1856 -38.74344
 [93,] 146.2656 -38.80531
 [94,] 146.2919 -38.90428
 [95,] 146.4170 -38.84892
 [96,] 146.4873 -38.90615
 [97,] 146.4367 -38.97907
 [98,] 146.4209 -39.12585
 [99,] 146.2739 -38.99612
[100,] 146.1842 -38.86951
[101,] 146.0632 -38.81177
[102,] 145.9189 -38.90688
[103,] 145.8715 -38.77944
[104,] 145.7308 -38.64813
[105,] 145.5647 -38.65419
[106,] 145.4237 -38.53648
[107,] 145.4329 -38.42871
[108,] 145.5525 -38.35457
[109,] 145.4883 -38.23615
[110,] 145.3442 -38.21445
[111,] 145.2550 -38.23743
[112,] 145.1299 -38.39045
[113,] 145.0257 -38.47967
[114,] 144.9244 -38.49740
[115,] 144.8369 -38.37040
[116,] 144.9750 -38.32697
[117,] 145.1213 -38.13339
[118,] 145.0906 -38.01495
[119,] 145.0307 -37.99351
[120,] 144.9638 -37.85576
[121,] 144.8085 -37.88033
[122,] 144.6502 -38.00202
[123,] 144.4874 -38.07828
[124,] 144.3979 -38.07382
[125,] 144.3561 -38.13840
[126,] 144.4807 -38.16449
[127,] 144.6318 -38.10734
[128,] 144.7197 -38.14612
[129,] 144.6142 -38.29214
[130,] 144.4357 -38.28130
[131,] 144.2516 -38.38841
[132,] 144.0365 -38.47578
[133,] 143.9731 -38.56636
[134,] 143.8421 -38.67908
[135,] 143.6854 -38.73536
[136,] 143.5557 -38.85494
[137,] 143.3569 -38.75435
[138,] 143.2203 -38.76029
[139,] 143.0217 -38.62625
[140,] 142.8611 -38.60563
[141,] 142.5633 -38.42200
[142,] 142.3722 -38.34942
[143,] 142.1482 -38.38969
[144,] 141.8849 -38.26629
[145,] 141.7420 -38.25311
[146,] 141.5992 -38.32107
[147,] 141.5575 -38.42235
[148,] 141.4067 -38.36934
[149,] 141.3574 -38.27460
[150,] 141.2278 -38.17065
[151,] 140.9657 -38.05599

Geometry types - summary

  • The sf, sfc, and sfg objects have informative header prints but they can be boiled down to basic data structures that we’re already familiar with

  • There are more than just introduced geometry types: MULTIPOINTS, MULTILINESTRING, etc

  • In practice, you don’t have to decompose/ manipulate these vectors or matrices manually, existing geometrical operations (st_*()) and visualisation tools (geom_sf()) will do that for you.

Aggregate time series with tsibble

Time series of weather station data

ts %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = tmax, group = id)) + 
  geom_line(alpha = 0.6) + 

How’s the data quality from BOM?

First cast the data into a tsibble, before using tsibble::count_gaps() for data quality check

# A tibble: 10,632 × 5
   id          date        prcp  tmax  tmin
   <chr>       <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 ASN00003057 2020-01-01     0  36.7  26.9
 2 ASN00003057 2020-01-02    41  34.2  24  
 3 ASN00003057 2020-01-03     0  35    25.4
 4 ASN00003057 2020-01-04    40  29.1  25.4
 5 ASN00003057 2020-01-05  1640  27.3  24.3
 6 ASN00003057 2020-01-06  1832  29.2  23.2
 7 ASN00003057 2020-01-07    42  36    21  
 8 ASN00003057 2020-01-08   300  31.5  25  
 9 ASN00003057 2020-01-09    90  32.2  25.3
10 ASN00003057 2020-01-10     0  34    25.9
# … with 10,622 more rows
(ts_tsibble <- ts %>% 
   as_tsibble(key = id, index = date))
# A tsibble: 10,632 x 5 [1D]
# Key:       id [30]
   id          date        prcp  tmax  tmin
   <chr>       <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 ASN00003057 2020-01-01     0  36.7  26.9
 2 ASN00003057 2020-01-02    41  34.2  24  
 3 ASN00003057 2020-01-03     0  35    25.4
 4 ASN00003057 2020-01-04    40  29.1  25.4
 5 ASN00003057 2020-01-05  1640  27.3  24.3
 6 ASN00003057 2020-01-06  1832  29.2  23.2
 7 ASN00003057 2020-01-07    42  36    21  
 8 ASN00003057 2020-01-08   300  31.5  25  
 9 ASN00003057 2020-01-09    90  32.2  25.3
10 ASN00003057 2020-01-10     0  34    25.9
# … with 10,622 more rows

How’s the data quality from BOM?

(missings <- ts_tsibble %>% tsibble::count_gaps())
# A tibble: 112 × 4
  id          .from      .to           .n
  <chr>       <date>     <date>     <int>
1 ASN00003057 2020-02-17 2020-02-18     2
2 ASN00003057 2020-02-25 2020-03-01     6
3 ASN00003057 2020-03-07 2020-03-09     3
4 ASN00003057 2020-03-11 2020-03-13     3
5 ASN00003057 2020-03-25 2020-03-27     3
# … with 107 more rows
missings <- missings %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(ttl_n = sum(.n))
missings %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(xmin = .from, xmax = .to, y = fct_reorder(id, ttl_n)), 
                width = 0.2) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%b") + 
  ylab("Station ID")

How’s the data quality from BOM?

Make the inexplicit NAs explicit

single <- ts_tsibble %>% 
  filter(id == "ASN00003057")
single_filled <- single %>% 
single %>% 
  filter(date >= "2020-02-15") 
# A tsibble: 271 x 5 [1D]
# Key:       id [1]
  id          date        prcp  tmax  tmin
  <chr>       <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ASN00003057 2020-02-15     0  33.7  25.5
2 ASN00003057 2020-02-16     0  33.5  28.5
3 ASN00003057 2020-02-19    20  34    24.4
4 ASN00003057 2020-02-20     0  34.1  26.5
5 ASN00003057 2020-02-21     0  34.5  25.7
# … with 266 more rows
single_filled %>% 
  filter(date >= "2020-02-15")
# A tsibble: 321 x 5 [1D]
# Key:       id [1]
  id          date        prcp  tmax  tmin
  <chr>       <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ASN00003057 2020-02-15     0  33.7  25.5
2 ASN00003057 2020-02-16     0  33.5  28.5
3 ASN00003057 2020-02-17    NA  NA    NA  
4 ASN00003057 2020-02-18    NA  NA    NA  
5 ASN00003057 2020-02-19    20  34    24.4
# … with 316 more rows

Space and time at the same time with cubble


Weather station data

# A tibble: 144 × 5
     id name                 long   lat altitude
  <dbl> <chr>               <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1 13401 KAPFENBERG-FLUGFELD  15.3  47.5      515
2  2117 HORN -  WASSERWERK   15.6  48.7      308
3  1416 ROHRBACH             14.0  48.6      613
4  7956 ANDAU                17.0  47.8      117
5   500 LITSCHAU             15.0  49.0      558
6   905 RETZ/WINDMUEHLE      15.9  48.8      320
7  1415 ROHRBACH             14.0  48.6      597
# … with 137 more rows

# A tibble: 103,660 × 4
  station time                 tmax    id
    <dbl> <dttm>              <dbl> <dbl>
1     100 2021-01-01 00:00:00   1.7 20123
2     100 2021-01-02 00:00:00   0.4 20123
3     100 2021-01-03 00:00:00   2.5 20123
4     100 2021-01-04 00:00:00   1.4 20123
5     100 2021-01-05 00:00:00   3.4 20123
6     100 2021-01-06 00:00:00   2.9 20123
7     100 2021-01-07 00:00:00   1.2 20123
# … with 103,653 more rows

What’s available for spatio-temporal data? - stars

Cubble: a spatio-temporal vector data structure

Cubble - a spatio-temporal vector data structure

Cubble is a nested object built on tibble that allow easy pivoting between spatial and temporal form.

Cast your data into a cubble

(cb <- as_cubble(
  list(spatial = stations, temporal = ts),
  key = id, index = time, coords = c(long, lat)
# cubble:   id [144]: nested form
# bbox:     [9.6, 46.44, 17.04, 48.96]
# temporal: station [dbl], time [dttm], tmax [dbl]
     id name             long   lat altitude ts                
  <dbl> <chr>           <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <list>            
1   500 LITSCHAU         15.0  49.0      558 <tibble [730 × 3]>
2   905 RETZ/WINDMUEHLE  15.9  48.8      320 <tibble [730 × 3]>
3  1401 KOLLERSCHLAG     13.8  48.6      714 <tibble [730 × 3]>
4  1415 ROHRBACH         14.0  48.6      597 <tibble [287 × 3]>
5  1416 ROHRBACH         14.0  48.6      613 <tibble [443 × 3]>
6  1802 WEITRA           14.9  48.7      572 <tibble [730 × 3]>
7  1906 ALLENTSTEIG      15.4  48.7      599 <tibble [730 × 3]>
# … with 137 more rows

Subset on space

cb_space <- cb %>% filter(nrow(ts) == 365 * 2)

Summarise in time

(cb_tm <- cb_space %>% 
  face_temporal() %>% 
  group_by(month = lubridate::month(time)) %>% 
  summarise(tmax = mean(tmax, na.rm = TRUE))
# cubble:  month, id [140]: long form
# bbox:    [9.6, 46.44, 16.85, 48.96]
# spatial: name [chr], long [dbl], lat [dbl], altitude [dbl]
     id month  tmax
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1   500     1  2.53
2   500     2  5.63
3   500     3  8.67
4   500     4 11.2 
5   500     5 18.0 
6   500     6 25.0 
7   500     7 24.9 
# … with 1,673 more rows

Move coordinates into time

(cb_glyph <- cb_tm %>% unfold(long, lat))
# cubble:  month, id [140]: long form
# bbox:    [9.6, 46.44, 16.85, 48.96]
# spatial: name [chr], long [dbl], lat [dbl], altitude [dbl]
     id month  tmax  long   lat
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1   500     1  2.53  15.0  49.0
2   500     2  5.63  15.0  49.0
3   500     3  8.67  15.0  49.0
4   500     4 11.2   15.0  49.0
5   500     5 18.0   15.0  49.0
6   500     6 25.0   15.0  49.0
7   500     7 24.9   15.0  49.0
# … with 1,673 more rows

Why do you need a glyph map?

Why do you need a glyph map?

Glyph map transformation

DATA %>% 
  ggplot() +
    aes(x_major = X_MAJOR, x_minor = X_MINOR, 
        y_major = Y_MAJOR, y_minor = Y_MINOR)) + 

Making your first glyph map

ts_raw <- read_csv(here::here("data/TAG Datensatz_20210101_20221231.csv"))
ts <- ts_raw %>% set_names(c("station", "time", "tmax", "id")) %>% filter(!is.na(id))

stations_raw <- read_csv(here::here("data/TAG Stations-Metadaten.csv"))
stations <- stations_raw %>% select(c(1,3:6)) %>% set_names(c("id", "name", "long", "lat", "altitude")) %>% filter(id %in% unique(ts$id))

cb <- as_cubble(
  list(spatial = stations, temporal = ts),
  key = id, index = time, coords = c(long, lat)
cb_glyph <- cb %>% 
  filter(nrow(ts) == 365 * 2) %>% 
  face_temporal() %>% 
  group_by(month = lubridate::month(time)) %>% 
  summarise(tmax = mean(tmax, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
  unfold(long, lat, altitude)

austria <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass = "sf", scale = "medium") %>% filter(name == "Austria") %>% pull(geometry)

cb_glyph %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x_major = long, x_minor = month, y_major = lat, y_minor = tmax, color = altitude ),) + 
  geom_sf(data = austria, fill = "grey90", color = "white", inherit.aes = FALSE) +
  geom_glyph_box(width = 0.2, height = 0.05) + 
  geom_glyph(width = 0.2, height = 0.05) + 

Further reading
